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  • Writer's pictureTiago Bertalot

Christmas aboard a Sailboat

Hello sailors, have you ever spent Christmas aboard a sailboat?

In 2021 we were in Brindisi, Italy and my parents came from Brazil to spend Christmas with us and enjoy a few months with the children. Mari and I stayed between the house and the boat that was docked in a marina just a few minutes from the house they rented.

Everyone helping to carry firewood to the house

Spending Christmas on board in Europe means being a little cold and a little wet, and it's not the best time to face the sea, which gets very rough with big waves and strong wind, we were caught on a 62kts (115km/h) breezy at one night when we were at the marina, what an adventure without even leaving the place! On the other hand, it's a great time to leave the boat stationary and go visit the cities by land.

Staying still for a while also helps us make new friends at the marina. Right at the beginning of winter all sailors are busy preparing their boats for the winter. At the marina in Brindisi, in addition to being welcomed with a wonderful pie, we were given a washing machine which makes an excellent Christmas present for sailors!

The cold and wet Brindisi

During the winter, we rented a car, which at that time has prices well below average, and we went to visit beautiful places like Polignano A Mare, Ostuni, Lecce, Taranto and many others, I think we visited more than 20 of these wonders of southern Italy. Lots of decor, attractions and hot chocolate. Not always the most interesting part of a place is right at the sea and the boat can also be just a house on the water for a few months while traveling ashore, think about it!

This year, we're going to spend Christmas with the family here in Brazil, it's been 3 years since we've spent that time with everyone together and living on board has a bit of that, many times we miss important dates because we're far away, but that just makes the moment we are together more important and memorable. And of course, everyone wants to know a little about the adventures we live!

Maybe this is a good time for you to think about what it would be like to live a different experience in 2023 and spend a week on board with us! Click here and see what our 2023 season will look like.

We wish you and your family a Christmas full of peace, dolphins and plans for 2023.

Merry Christmas,

Trouble Maker Family

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1 comentário

Axel Swoboda
Axel Swoboda
20 de dez. de 2022

merry christmas from the pirates of Apulia, we dont see Brindisi as cold and humid, most days are sunny and warm....the cold period is very short... hope to do many acivities together, first may week peace fleet, we get paid to sial with children 1 week, september we get paid to sail 1 week in Croatia with the original peace fleet with 100 ships, otctober we sail 5 days to Albania, not paid ;-)


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